Friday, April 6, 2012

Get To Know Me

Welcome to day one of my blog!
I am so excited to be starting a new journey in this
book we call life. 

In order to introduce myself, I thought it
would be fun to do it in a Q&A format.

Who am I?
GiGi is my name, 
NO I am not a stripper!
Just had to say that at the beginning,
 to get the story 
straight from the beginning. 

Married to my best friend of 18yrs. 
 Raising 2 very active boys.
Who was it that created the label?
 "stay at home mom?"
I am here to testify to you that has to be one of 
the biggest misconceptions of a SAHM!
(SAHM = stay at home mom)

The south has a few labels of itself.
 most of those labels are fairly accurate.

What am I going to blog about?
Holding onto my 30's by a string!

Basically the day to day things that we
rant and raves about instead of journaling them.

It will be a big step for me to share "everything"
but I really think it is going to be nice to talk about
my family and all the craziness that goes with it.

Why would you want to follow?
In the main scheme of things. 
We are an awesome family.
We believe in the Lord, 
we respect each other,
Say "yes sir"
 "no Ma'am"
 We are a blue collar family,
that believes in the "work hard,
 play harder philosophy of life!"

As good as we are!
 We are just as bat~ass crazy!
as most families, 
we like to hunt and fish.
Live for football and NASCAR.

The most fantastic thing about my family?
It's not that one person just goes along with the others.
Oh No, not in this house. We all love watching sports but 
we do it together! That's what makes us a little different! 

 Well, I better get going to bed.
 Have a big day of fishing

I don't want to tell you everything!


1 comment:

  1. Greetings and welcome to Blogland!

    I got to your blog via Twitter, as I got a notification that you had started following me on there and you didn't appear to be one of the obnoxious spam bots so I thought I would pop over, check it out and say "hi" =)

    So... nice to meet you! I have an aunt named Gigi as well!


I cherish every comment that I receive! Thank you for stopping by and sharing in some of my insanity! ~HUGS~