Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Under Construction....

Hey All!

If you are stopping by my blog and notice that it looks dysfunctional....

Even though I am dysfunctional....

The blog is actually Under Construction!

I decided that I really didn't like the pink and polka dots.

So I found the beach scene and knew that it was ME!!!

I am a beach going sun worshiping, flip flop wearing

Sweet and Sassy Texan whom happens to be very close to the beach....

So I am working on my header and button and pins....

and all the other blah...blah...blah that goes with redesigning my page!

If anyone has ideas for me PLEASE let me know as this is all just crazy for me!

The OCD in me wonders if I will ever be happy with just one design but hey,

variety is cool... right?

Ok... I gotta get one to Karate 

so I will check with y'all later...


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